Keep Your Thrills Safe This Summer

Summer is a time for getting loose and pushing boundaries: high-country hikes, casino weekends, or even just a day at the pool. All of those things are more fun than sitting inside on a winter day – and a little more dangerous. So before you take off on your wild vacation, let’s run through some tips for staying safe this summer.

Is your backyard safe?

Now that the snow has finally melted and you can actually see your backyard, let’s talk about what’s in it. Do you have a pool? Great! Make sure that your pool safety measures are all sturdy and up-to-date. Your pool should be fenced in and equipped with emergency flotation devices. Are your safety measures reliable? Are they from good brands? If not, it may be time for a trip to the local pool supply shop for some improved security. You’re responsible for what happens on your property, so make sure that your pool is safe.

And the same goes for all of your other fun backyard installations. Do you have a trampoline? Sounds like fun – as long as it’s safe. Invest in something from one of the best trampoline brands in the business, and make sure you purchase your trampoline from a reliable retailer. Keep up with maintenance, and make sure your trampoline springs are in good shape before you use it each year.

Everything in moderation


Summer means delicious food, cold beers, casino weekends, and maybe even a joint – now that it’s legal in some states, of course. But there are dangers in all of these fun activities, so make sure that you’re consuming things in moderation.

Whether you’re gambling in person or online, you’ll want to be safe in the casino. Keep important casino safety tips in mind whenever you place a bet. You’ll also need to protect yourself from yourself: gambling can be addictive (it’s easy to see why), so it’s important that you set limits for yourself. Set a limit on how much you’re willing to lose, and don’t gamble more than that. If it helps, consider taking the cash out and leaving your credit union or bank card in your home or hotel room, so that you aren’t tempted to make another withdrawal. And, most important of all, seek out the help of a professional if you believe you have a gambling problem.

Many of these same things are true of alcohol, a drink that’s as addictive as it is ubiquitous. Every summer barbeque you attend is likely to have a cooler full of beers on hand, so set limits for yourself and make sure that you don’t become the guy or girl everyone is talking about the next day for all the wrong reasons. If you think you may have a serious drinking problem, a twelve-step program may be the best decision. Find out where they hold AA meetings in your area, and start attending.

As for you marijuana enthusiasts, congratulations: your summer drug of choice is now legal in several states. Yes, these days cannabis jobs mean 401ks and health benefits instead of shady deals and running from the cops – and cannabis consumption means legal summer fun instead of criminal activity. Of course, there are still laws regulating marijuana. Only purchase or consume marijuana in states where it is legal. Never, ever drive it across state lines – this is a very bad idea. And make sure that you’re following all the rules related to marijuana even in states where it is legal. Just because you can legally buy marijuana in a state like Colorado doesn’t mean that you can smoke it while driving around town or while hanging out at an elementary school playground. Make sure you brush up on the laws and regulations before you smoke, and use your common sense.

Have fun out there


Okay, there has been a fair bit of talk in this article about ways to end up in jail, addicted to something, or drowned in a pool. Sorry about that! But the truth is that summer’s fun far outweighs its dangers, and a little common sense and a few of the tips above should be more than sufficient to protect you from the nasty sides of your favorite summer activities. Take care of things like pool maintenance early in the summer, and you’ll be able to relax all summer long. There’s no need to avoid any of the thrilling activities that come with summer when you know how to protect yourself from their dangers. Have fun out there!