How To Protect Yourself After A Septic System Flood

How To Protect Yourself After A Septic System Flood

Saturation of the ground can occur during floods or heavy rains. This can cause your septic tank to either float out of its position or collapse. As such, your septic system will fail to operate properly and hence, leading to flooding.

A septic system is an underground, self-contained and highly effective wastewater treatment system. It is used to treat and dispose onsite wastewater within your household. If your septic system floods, you can protect your health, home, carpet, non-waterproof items and other important items within the household through the following five measures:

Avoid drinking well water

The well water could be contaminated with the septic system flood. Hence, it can pose danger to your health if you take it. For instance, you can suffer from fever, diarrhea, stomachache and vomiting. It is advisable to contact the health department of your local authority to effectively test the well water before it can be considered clean for use.

Inspect and service your septic tank

If you suspect that your septic tank has been damaged, call a professional from a company like Rob’s Septic Tanks Inc to inspect and service it. If its soil absorption field has been congested with slit, it will be wise to install a new septic system.

Clean and disinfect your floor

If the septic system flood has found its way to your house’s basement, thoroughly clean the affected area and use a chlorine solution to disinfect your floor. The chlorine solution will kill any pathogens present in the floor. You should wear protective clothing such as gloves and gumboots while cleaning and disinfecting the floor.

Pump the septic system immediately after the flood

You should pump both the lift station and tank of your septic system as soon as the flood occurs. The pumping will get rid of any debris and silt that may have been washed into the septic system. However, you should do it carefully to avoid damaging the inlet and outlet piping system of the septic tank.

Examine the electrical connections within your home

It is possible that the septic system flood would have damaged your electrical connections. Before you restore your electricity, examine all the connections to ensure that no damage was occasioned it. If you identify any damage, seek the services of a professional to repair the same. As such, you will be protecting yourself from electrical faults and shocks resulting from the damage.

In conclusion, you should always manage your septic system by keeping it well maintained and built. Such a system will be able to withstand the pressures of flooding or heavy rains. Be sure to regularly inspect your septic system before, during and after flooding to ensure that it is always functioning properly.