5 Easy Habits to Prevent Most Cancers

There are many things that health-minded people can do to prevent their chances of getting cancer. In addition to eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise, people can take additional measures and avoid certain risks that may cause them to develop cancer in their lifetimes. Here are five easy habits that can be adopted to prevent most cancers.

Limit Alcohol Consumption

Excessive alcohol consumption may cause cancerous cells to develop in certain individuals. Cancer.gov states that one drink per day for men and two drinks per day for women are considered moderate amounts, and exceeding these levels could be dangerous. Heavy alcohol consumption is linked to liver, colorectal and head and neck cancers.

Avoid Unhealthy Air

In addition to cigarette smoke, there are other factors that can pollute the air and increase the chances of getting lung cancer. Radon, which is a colorless and an odorless gas that sometimes seeps into homes through cracks in walls and foundations, has been linked to cancer and can be professionally mitigated. According to Attorney Chris Placitella, many homes and commercial buildings still contain cancer-causing asbestos. Asbestos particles can fill the air and cause a person to develop a type of cancer known as mesothelioma. Smog and other everyday pollutants can also increase cancer risks and should be avoided if possible.

Cut the Sugar

Refined sugar (sucrose) is made up of glucose and fructose. While glucose is necessary for fueling cells, fructose is essentially a liver toxin, with long-term health effects similar to hard liquor, and may be even more addictive. Fructose triggers fat production and insulin resistance, which are key processes in the development of liver cancer and diabetes. Much of the fat produced in the liver goes straight to the belly, and belly-fat is the type of fat with the highest propensity for causing organ cancers.

Avoid Products Containing Retinyl Palpitated

This synthetic form of vitamin A may cause skin tumors to grow. The National Toxicology Program stated that a study conducted on mice showed that the substance increased skin tumor rates in mice and may be unsafe for humans. Retinyl palmitate is still used in some skin and dairy products along with certain supplements.

Review Family Medical History

Certain families have genetic factors that make them more susceptible to getting cancer. If a particular form of cancer runs in a family, preventative screenings can be scheduled with a doctor to reduce risk. Genetic testing can also be conducted to determine whether or not certain gene mutations linked to cancer growth are present.

Health-minded people may be able to avoid cancer by making a few simple lifestyle changes. These habits are easy to adopt and can help ensure good health for life.