banana benefitds

7 Surprising Health Benefits of Bananas

banana benefitds

You’ll never look at a banana the same way again once you fully know many health benefits and reasons that answer why bananas really matters. It can both fight against depression, make you smarter, deal with hangovers, address morning sickness as well as to protect against kidney cancer. You can also fight diabetes, osteoporosis effectively. If you are among those who have to deal with the itch of a mosquito bit, you had better put a great shine of banana on your shoes.

Given below are some more reasons for eating 2 bananas everyday if you want to stay healthy all the time.

1. Lean Muscles

After a workout, it could easily be found that your muscles are sore. This might because you might getting enough magnesium in your daily diet yet. Lucky for your, banana is such a good source of magnesium. Eating this, as a result, can be extremely beneficial for muscle contraction as well as protein synthesis. Thanks to this it can efficiently increase lean muscle mass after all. It is the fact that magnesium intake can foster lipolysis,, which can help to releases fat from its stores.

2. Less Stress And Anxiety

Apart from being a mood-boosting B9, bananas are also included with tryptophan or a precursor for serotonin. This is the key element making it one of the most important brain chemical thanks to its natural anti-depressant. Therefore, eating more of banana can treat anxiety insomnia, as well as other issues. You will no longer have to worry about fatigue, irritability, agitation, anger, any more once you keep eating bananas on regular basis. Along with that, it is norepinephrine in banana that help you to regulate stress.

It would be the best if you can eat at least 2 bananas a day on daily basis.

3. Sleep Better

Bananas are also good source of “trytptophan,” , which has long been considered as a precursor for melatonin. This property is responsible for promoting relaxation and to get a good night’s sleep. Therefore, it would help you to get the best result if you can eat one banana before heading to bed.

4. Aids Digestion

The fruit is found to be extremely rich in pectin, which can efficiently aid digestion and gently flush out all the toxins and heavy metals out of your body along with water.

The reason making this possible is that banana works wonders as a prebiotic, to both stimulate the growth of friendly bacteria in the bowel as well as to buildup muscles. It is blamed to be good source to produce digestive enzymes, which make it easier for you to consume nutrients.

5. Weight Loss

At the very beginning, bananas are loaded with few calories. On average, an banana is packed with over 100 calories, which is extremely nutritious and filling for you to consume.

Along with that, the fruit is also rich in fiber. By that reason, you can eat more fruit and vegetables along with bananas. This trick is also known so beneficial for those who want to lower body weight all along.

6. Support Heart Health

Potassium is one of excellent type of mineral which is extremely essential for heart health, as well as blood pressure control.

Since most of us not getting enough potassium in their diet, it would be the best that you can eat more banana on daily basis to support your health.

7. Improve Insulin Sensitivity

Insulin resistance is mostly responsible for many of the world’s most serious diseases, including diabetes and cancer.

It is, therefore extremely beneficial that you can eat at least few grams of resistant starch per day within at least one month.